HE Resistance & Reduced Crits (Advanced Rules): If a unit is resistant to High Explosive (HE) damage, that unit rolls a defense die for each point of damage dealt. For example, with static frontal armor, if 4 points of AP damage were assigned to a Heavy Vehicle's frontal arc, that unit would still only roll 2 defense dice.Ģ. This change to a static defense reduces the amount of frontal armor increasing the value and tactical importance of units that deal AP damage.
In the print rules frontal armor defense is a 'resistance' which means you get a defense die for each point of Armor Piercing damage assigned to your frontal arc. This is a static defense vs the printed versions variable defense. Static Frontal Armor Defense (Advanced Rules): Similar to heavy cover for infantry, a heavy vehicle now receives 2 total defense dice when hit by Armor Piercing damage in it's frontal arc. Note that most of these rule changes do not affect the Basic rules you will use for your first game.ġ.